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Installing VPN Client on Fedora Core 4

This web page presents an alternative to the standard Cisco VPN software for connecting to NUS VPN Gateway. This solution makes use of the user-space tool known as vpnc.

  1. Download and install the VPN client - vpnc-0.3.3-2.1.i386.rpm
    [root@localhost ~]# rpm -ivh vpnc-0.3.3-2.1.i386.rpm

  2. Create the config file:
    [root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/vpnc/default.conf

    # Config for connecting to NUS VPN.
    Interface name tun0
    IPSec gateway
    IPSec ID inside-nus
    IPSec secret inside-nus
    # use outside-nus if connecting from outside NUS
    Xauth username <NUSNET ID>

  3. To connect:
    [root@localhost ~]# vpnc

  4. To disconnect:
    [root@localhost ~]# vpnc-disconnect

That's all! Note that this information has only been tested with a standard installation of Fedora Core 4. Your mileage may vary with other distributions of Linux.

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